'What was Life like in Somerset Villages 400 Years Ago?'

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 5th February 2025

Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: The Birchall Hall, Queen's College, Taunton

Description: How much do we really know about what it was like to live in a Somerset village four centuries ago? Mark is working on a project that uses witness statements from court records to reconstruct everyday life in seventeenth-century Somerset villages from the testimony of the ordinary women and men who actually lived in them. In this talk he will discuss some of this material, much of which shows that such communities were not as sleepy as we often think.

How to book: There is no need to book. Groups are asked to contact the organiser in advance. Payment is on the door.

Price: £3 pp

Tel: 01823353749

Email: gb@queenscollege.org.uk

Organiser: Geoff Bisson

Lecturer: Dr Mark Hailwood

Comments: Tea coffee and biscuits are available.

Region: South-West England

Branch: Taunton Deane

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