'Cuba: Myths and Legends'

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 8th January 2025

Time: 7.30 pm

Venue: The Birchall Hall, Queen's College, Taunton

Description: The speaker's intention is to look at the history of Cuba, the Revolution and the challenges that Cuba faces today focussing on the major events which have shaped Cuban history, the ideas which informed the thinking of some of the key figures in that history and the prospects for the future. The speaker's views have been shaped not only by studying the history of Cuba but also his experiences of visits to Cuba.

How to book: There is no need to book. Groups are asked to contact the organiser in advance. Payment is on the door.

Price: £3 pp

Tel: 01823353749

Email: gb@queenscollege.org.uk

Organiser: Geoff Bisson

Lecturer: Dr Bernard Regan

Comments: Tea coffee and biscuits are available.

Region: South-West England

Branch: Taunton Deane

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