'The Peacock Family: From Taunton to Tasmania'

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 18th September 2024

Time: 12.00 noon

Venue: The White Horse, Bradford-on-Tone

Description: This presentation will briefly introduce George Stromborn Peacock, who emigrated to Tasmania from England, in 1834. Dr Harper's research confirms his previously unknown ancestral lineage to the Peacocks of Taunton, and also reveals his relationship to the satirical novelist and poet, Thomas Love Peacock whose familial background has previously been speculative.

How to book: Contact Geoff Bisson, the organiser

Price: N/A

Tel: 01823353749

Email: gb@queenscollege.org.uk

Organiser: Geoff Bisson

Lecturer: Dr Amanda Harper

Comments: The talk (about 20 minutes) follows the AGM Lunch. The meal chosen is paid by the diner.

Region: South-West England

Branch: Taunton Deane

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