Fake News from Norfolk c.1150 0 : an anti Jewish Fantasy and its consequences

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 24th April 2025

Time: 8pm

Venue: Library Annexe, Quadrant Rd, Richmond TW9

Description: Quadrant Rd is a minute from Richmond Station. Quadrant Rd is between Specsavers and Lloyds Bank on the Quadrant

How to book: No booking required, HA members & Students enter for free. Visitors turn up on the evening and pay £2on the door

Price: £2

Tel: 07958 729526

Email: richardgturk@yahoo.com

Organiser: Richard Turk

Lecturer: Professor Miri Rubin

Comments: Professor Rubin is Professor of Medieval & Early Modern History, Queen Mary College, London Fake News from Norfolk c.1150 an anti-Jewish fantasy and its consequences

Region: London

Branch: Richmond & Twickenham

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