Leicester Branch Programme

Leicester Branch Programme
Leicester & Northampton Branches Joint Programme of Online Talks & Activities 2024-25
Leicester Chair: Annabelle Larsen leicesterha@gmail.com
Northampton Chair: David Waller david@davidwaller.org.uk
Most talks will be on the second Tuesday of the month, 18.00-19.30.
David Waller, University of Northampton. ‘The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election in Historical Perspective’.
Description: This year’s American elections are taking place in a period of exceptional partisanship and geo-political risk, and the outcome is likely to be critical both for the future direction of democratic government in the USA and the resilience of the Western alliance. This talk will present an initial analysis of the results, seeking to explain who won and why, both in terms of the Presidency and the elections to the Congress.
Due to unforeseen circumstances this lecture has been postponed until June 2025, apologies for disappointment.
14 January 2025 - The HA’s Great Debate – Leicester Branch Heat: How can your local history tell a global story? Please do come and support the young historians sharing their research.
Free entry, Venue De Montfort University, Leicester.
11 February 2025. Mike Curtis (Northamptonshire Archaeological Society), ‘The Maritime Archaeology of the Roman Empire’.
Description: The maritime archaeology of the Roman Empire encompasses the study of underwater cultural heritage related to ancient Roman maritime activities, including shipwrecks, port structures, and submerged settlements. This presentation looks at key sites such as the harbours of Ostia and Portus, the shipwrecks of the Mediterranean, and other provincial harbours and coastal settlements that help in providing insight into the economic, technological, and cultural exchanges that shaped the Roman Empire.
Book a free place: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/talk-the-maritime-archaeology-of-the-roman-empire-tickets-948265025217?aff=oddtdtcreator
11 March 2025. Prof Matthew McCormack & Dr Serena Dyer: In Conversation: Shoes and the Georgian Man
Details: Serena Dyer talks with Matthew McCormack about his new book, Shoes and the Georgian Man, published by Bloomsbury in January 2025. The book explores what footwear tells us about men and their bodies in the long eighteenth century.
Book a free place: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/in-conversation-shoes-and-the-georgian-man-tickets-1040061019507?aff=oddtdtcreator
We do not normally meet during the Easter break.
13 May 2025. Professor Elizabeth Lambourn (De Montfort University), ‘Medieval Middle East and India’, title TBC.
Details: Professor Elizabeth Lambourn will talk about maritime travel and travellers between the Middle East and India in the Middle Ages.
Book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/talk-voyaging-in-the-indian-ocean-in-the-middle-ages-tbc-tickets-948276459417?aff=oddtdtcreator
10 June 2025. AGM of the Leicester branch.
Advance notice:
September 2025. Andy Chapman (Northamptonshire Archaeological Society), ‘Excavations at St James’s Abbey Northampton’.