Ealing Branch Programme

Secretary: Dr Philip Woods. Tel 0208 579 2174. Email philipgwoods@outlook.com
Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month at Ealing Green Church, W5 5QT, at 7.30pm. Talks are live events but with the speaker’s permission we aim to make a recording available afterwards to those registering on Eventbrite (the booking link will be available one month in advance of each talk and listed on our website: www.ealinghistory.org.uk)
Branch members (£15 annual fee) and visitors (£5 per talk) students free.
For fuller and up-to-date details: www.ealinghistory.org.uk
Ealing Branch Programme 2025
Tuesday 14 January
Issues in Writing Modern Political Biographies
Dr Andrew Lownie, Senior Research Fellow in Modern British History at the University of Buckingham.
Tuesday 11 February
Widows of the Ice: The Women that Scott’s Antarctic Expedition Left Behind
Anne Fletcher, author
Tuesday 11 March
The Debatable Resilience of Nehru’s Liberal Democracy in India
Emeritus Professor James Manor, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London
Tuesday 8 April
A Rich Man's War and a Poor Man's Fight? Revisiting Class in the Confederacy During the U.S. Civil War
Dr Patrick Doyle, Lecturer in United States History, Royal Holloway, University of London
Tuesday 13 May
What can you learn from a cookbook (other than how to cook)?
Professor Rebecca Earle, University of Warwick
Tuesday 10 June
Maimed Soldiers, War Widows and the Human Cost of the English Civil Wars: stories from the Civil War Petitions project
Dr Ismini Pells, Oxford department for Continuing Education