Branch Podcasts & Publications

In this section you can listen to recorded lectures from our branches, as well as some of the keynote lectures from the HA annual conference. There are also fascinating articles produced by some of the branches, in particular from the Swansea Branch Chronicle.

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  • Prehistoric Bristol


    This period is represented in the valley of the Bristol Avon by the Acheulian industries, named from the type station of St. Acheul in the Somme valley, which has yielded many ovate and pear-shaped hand-axes characteristic of the period. These industries flourished during the very long Second Interglacial phase, a...

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  • Bolton Branch Members' Publishing Success !

    18th November 2008

    Four members of the Bolton Branch of the Historical Association have had research published during 2008.  A new book by Dr Glyn Redworth has shed light on the little known life of what was probably the first female missionary to Britain - in all its gory detail.  The She-Apostle, published...

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