HA Branches in the North West
Branch details by region

Bolton Branch
Branch contact All enquiries to Mrs Melissa Wright mwright@boltonschool.org.uk 07912369060
Venue: All talks start at 6.30pm on (mostly) the first Monday of the month, and take place in the Leverhulme Suite @ Bolton School Girls’ Division, Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4PA. Parking free in the Girls’ Division Quad.
Associate membership £20 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £5.
Branch website: www.boltonhistoricalassociation.wordpress.com
Twitter/X: @BoltonHistory
Facebook: Bolton Historical Association
Manchester Branch with Liverpool and Chester
Entry to meetings is free to HA members, non-members £4 per meeting.
For further information, please contact Sahand Razavi on 0161 233 0818 or alternatively through email at srazavi@live.co.uk.
All meetings take place at the Friends’ Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS, on Saturday afternoons at 12pm, (except for branch visits, for which information regarding meeting place and time can differ – please see details below). The Meeting House is directly behind Manchester’s Central Library in the city centre, and can be accessed easily by Metrolink, just get off at St. Peter’s Square tram stop, and you will see the Library.
The published programme of events may be subject to changes - please consult the Branch website at: www.history.org.uk
OR find us on Facebook at Manchester and Liverpool Historical Association.