HA Branches in the East of England
Branch details by region

Cambridge Branch
Enquiries to Branch President Dr Sean Lang sf_lang@hotmail.com
Essex Branch
Talks on Saturdays, 2.30pm, Trinity Methodist Church, Rainsford Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2XB. Please check the calendar on this website for details.
Visitors and prospective members warmly welcomed - £3, Associate Members fee £10.00 / £15.00 for 2 members at same address.
Branch Contact: Tony Tuckwell 01245 256423 tonytuckwell28@outlook.com
Website: https://essexbranchha.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/essexha
Twitter: https://twitter.com/essex_ha
Hertfordshire Branch
Meetings are held at the Backhouse Room, 116 Handside Lane, Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL8 6SZ at 3.00pm
Meetings are free for members, £3 for visitors. Associate branch membership £15 per season.
For more information contact Barbara Wiltshire barbarag.wiltshire@btinternet.com or telephone 01438 716020
Hertfordshire Branch Programme
Norfolk & Norwich Branch
Branch Contact: norwichha@gmail.com
Venue: Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, Castle Hill, Norwich, NR1 3JU
Events/Tours/Walks are currently charged at £5 per event or an annual regional membership fee of £15.
Norfolk & Norwich Branch Programme