HA Branches in the South East
Branch details by region

Beckenham & Bromley Branch
Branch contact: Mrs A Wagstaff 020 8777 7742 aj60@dial.pipex.com
Cost: Entry to meetings is free for HA members and £2 for visitors.
Associate membership of the branch is £12 for 2024/25 or £19.50 with our monthly news bulletin, The Beckenham Historian.
Venue: All meetings take place at 7.45 pm in Christ Church Hall, Fairfield Road, Beckenham, BR3 3LE unless otherwise stated. Tea and coffee is served from 7.30 p.m.
There is a public car park nearby. For public transport routes and a local map, please see the branch website www.beckenham-historical-association.org/
Beckenham & Bromley Branch Programme
Buckinghamshire Branch
Branch contact: Terry Bloxham (Hon Secretary), Tel: 07952 703535 | E-mail: secretarybucksha@gmail.com
Meetings are being held on Wednesdays at 8.00 pm online through Zoom
(excepting the June event which will be in person)
Cost: Admission to meetings is free to full and associate members of the Historical Association.
Visitors and Students WELCOME and donations of £3 appreciated.
Please contact secretary (see below) for bank transfer details or post cheque to below
Associate membership of the Branch is £12 for the year from October 2024.
Please pay by standing order, bank transfer (contact for details) or by cheque, payable to Historical Association-Bucks Branch, with the slip below (and s.a.e. if you want a receipt).
To: Terry Bloxham (Hon Secretary), 138 High Street, Aylesbury, HP20 1RB
Tel: 07952 703535 | E-mail: secretarybucksha@gmail.com
Please state your name, address and email
Branch website: http://buckshistoricalassociation.org.uk/
Buckinghamshire Branch Programme
Canterbury Branch
Branch contact: All enquiries to Mike Gallagher – mike.gallagher79@yahoo.co.uk
Venue: All talks start at 7.00pm at venues in Canterbury (specified in the branch programme).
Associate membership £10 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £5.
Twitter @CanterburyHA
Chichester Branch
Contact: Enquiries to Mr Alex Bristow alexjbristow@outlook.com 01903 505554
Venue and time: All meetings start at 7.30pm except January at 2.30pm in the Friends’ Meeting House, Priory Road, Chichester PO19 1NX. Meetings are expected to finish by 9 pm (4 pm in January). Light refreshments are served from 7 pm (2 pm in January).
Cost: Admission to meetings is free for full HA members. Branch membership for the season costs £20 (£30 for couples). One-off attendance is £5 per meeting.
East Sussex Branch
For all branch enquiries please contact Dr John Oliphant at john@johnoliphant.net or telephone 07910 672 131
All meetings will be held from 7-9 pm in the large upstairs room at Bibendum, 1 Grange Road, Eastbourne BN21 4EU, a short walk from the railway station.
Entry is free to members, and visitor fees are £2 per lecture.
Annual local membership is available at the door for £10.
Isle of Wight Branch
Branch contact: All enquiries to Caroline Jacobs jacobscme@gmail.com tel: 07988 171 708
Venue: All talks take place at Newport Minster, St Thomas’ Square, NEWPORT, IW PO30 1BG, starting at 7.30pm and finishing at approximately 9.00pm, unless otherwise stated. Doors open at 7.00pm
Associate membership: £10 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £3.
Branch Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistoricalAssociationIW
Isle of Wight Branch Programme
Oxford Branch
Branch contact: Dr Vivienne Larminie, branch secretary, email vivienne.larminie@history.ox.ac.uk
Cost: HA members free, non-members £2 per meeting. Annual associate membership £10 individual, £15 joint (living at same address), full-time students under 30, £6. School groups £10 per group.
Venue: various locations - see branch programme for details.
Portsmouth Branch
Venue for talks: Room 1.09 Park Building, King Henry I St, Portsmouth PO1 2BZ.
All talks start at 7pm and finish no later than 8.30pm.
Cost: Pay on arrival: £4 per lecture, or £20 for all lectures October to May. Students and HA members free. No need to book a place, just turn up.
Contact: For further information or to be added to our email distribution list please contact Kate at portsmouthhistorybranch@gmail.com
Reading Branch
Branch Contact: All enquiries to Chris Sexton sexton44@gmail.com 07957 184342.
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Reading School, Erleigh Road, Reading RG1 5LW (gate code essential and obtainable from above contact).
Associate Membership: £10 per annum, Lectures free to national and associate HA members, students and school pupils. Visitors £3 per lecture. (Fees subject to possible review)
Richmond & Twickenham Branch
See London region
West Surrey Branch
Contact: Hon. Secretary: Rollo Crookshank. Telephone: 01252 319881. Email: crookshankrollo@gmail.com
Cost: Entry to meetings is free for HA members and students. Associate membership of the branch which gives free entry to all meetings is £15 per year. Non-members £5 per meeting, payable at the door.
Venue and time: All meetings start at 7.30pm and will be held at St Nicolas’ Hall, Bury Street, Guildford, GU2 4AW. The nearest car park is Portsmouth Road Car Park (GU2 4BW).
Branch website: www.historicalassociationsurrey.com Twitter: @HAWestSurrey
Winchester Branch
Contact: All enquiries to Branch Secretary Eleanor Yates – email historicalassocwinchester@outlook.com or text or call 07973 427915
Venue and time: Lectures will be at 7.30pm. The venue is The Science Lecture Theatre, Kingsgate Street, Winchester SO23 9PG, and sometimes online additionally.
Cost: Lectures are free to members and students, visitors are asked for a donation of £5