The Swansea Branch Chronicle 7
Branch Publication
By Editor: Margaret McCloy, published 12th December 2014

War & Peace
This edition features articles on the following:
- From the Editor
- A Deeper Unrest, Richard Nye
- A Great War Swansea Pot Pourri, Bernard Lewis
- The Crimson Shadow of Mametz Wood, Giles Rees
- George Arthur Evans
- Hedd Wyn
- As it Looked to Me; France and Belgium 1917, John Law
- There Were Hundreds of Us in the Queue Trying to Enlist, C.Arthur
- James Henry and World War 1, Rosemary Crahart
- Enigma B207: Hitler's Cipher Machine, David Hamer
- On the Somme with my Great-Granddad, Liz McSloy
- Outreach Programme
- Temple of Peace
- Gareth Jones Exhibition and Lecture
- 2015 AGM and Burns Supper
Attached files:
- The Swansea Branch Chronicle 7
13.22 MB PDF document