
Published: 22nd February 2013

Leave a Legacy to the Historical Association

Anyone can include a legacy to the Historical Association in their will and it does not have to be for a lot of money.

Some people leave us specific gifts of money, while others choose to leave us the residue of their estate once family and friends have been looked after.

But, whether you give £200 or £20,000, every penny counts.


Why we need your gift

The Historical Association has been the voice of history for over 100 years working with schools, the government and the general public to preserve and maintain our historical heritage.  For us to continue that work and to offer a secure future to the Association we need to raise funds through legacies.

We do not receive government grant or subsidy for our general work and so we depend on membership and fundraising.


How your legacy can help the Historical Association

Your legacy can help in three areas:

Inspiring teachers

We all know how important inspirational, well informed history teachers can be in shaping and improving lives.

We strive to give additional support to teachers in ways that can benefit not only the individual teacher but history teachers in general and the wider community. From paying for a teacher to work with a local museum producing teaching materials for use in the classroom to developing a local community history project involving both teachers and the local community.

Ensuring the future of history

We campaign at both a national and local level through a large number of agencies and public bodies to raise the profile of history as an academic and leisure pursuit and encourage new sources of funding for local and national projects.

The Historical Association works to ensure that any changes the Government makes on policy, legislation and regulation to the teaching of history are in our members and students' interests.

For the Historical Association to educate government and other decision-makers about the subjects needs we need to continue our representation work through our committees. Our annual surveys into the state of history teaching in England in both primary and secondary schools are a vital part of our work and have contributed to the debate on history over the last few years.

Communicating history to a wider audience

No other organisation in the UK can bring together the history community and ensure its voice is heard. We engage with policy makers and government ministers to make the case for history and to ensure all students in all schools have access to history.

Funds could help to continue to lead activities and campaigns to raise the profile of history at local and national levels. The Historical Association is active in advising government departments, including the DfE and DCMS, and the media on matters relating to education and heritage. We campaign at a national level to raise the profile of history as an academic and leisure pursuit and encourage new sources of funding for local and national projects.

Funds would also maintain and grow our network of over 50 branches across the country offering and promoting life long learning and the enjoyment of history.


A general gift

Whilst many people have a specialist interest in a particular aspect of our work, we hope you will understand that leaving a gift to our general fund will make the most effective use of your valuable legacy. This is important to the Historical Association as it gives us the flexibility to direct funds where the need is greatest at the time.

We cannot foresee all our future needs, as priorities and work may change over time. Any legacy is only used on project work and you can be reassured that all your money is spent on the value work of supporting history.

For more information contact:

Anne-Marie Stephenson

The Historical Association,
59a Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4JH.

Telephone 0207 735 3901

Email: anne-marie.stephenson@history.org.uk