World 1509-1745
Unifying Britain, Europe and the wider world during this period was trade and there are a number of articles and podcasts that explore that theme and the events connected to it, such as the horrors and injustices of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. There are also articles on exploration, Japan, India and the changes that were occurring to nations and political systems at that time.
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Triumphs Show: Embracing scholarship to guide Year 7 on an exploration of the Silk Roads
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Year 7 challenge stereotypes about the Mexica
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Film: The Ruin of All Witches
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Using metaphor to highlight causal processes with Year 13
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Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution
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What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the British Empire on Britain?
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In pursuit of shared histories: uncovering Islamic history in the secondary classroom
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Broadening and deepening narratives of Benin for Year 8
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Inventing race? Using primary sources to investigate the origins of racial thinking in the past
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Film: 'Mayflower Lives: building a New Jerusalem in the New World'
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Historical scholarship, archaeology and evidence in Year 7
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Polychronicon 173: From American Indians to Native Americans
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Couching counterfactuals in knowledge when explaining the Salem witch trials with Year 13
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The Aztecs & Spanish Conquest for GCSE
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Bristol and the Slave Trade
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Podcast Series: The British Empire 1600-1800
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Medieval Trade Routes
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Captain Thomas and the North West Passage
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Combating a Cook-centric past through co-curricular learning
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Podcast Series: The Mughal Empire
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