Podcast Series: Politics, Reform and War
By Produced by Simon Brown, published 26th December 2016

Part 1 of Social and Political Change in the UK 1800-present
In the first part of this series we look at UK political history, political reform and the domestic impact of the World Wars.
This series features Professor Eric Evans, Professor Stanley Henig, Professor Richard Grayson, Professor Keith Laybourn, Dr Daniel Todman and Dr Helen Parr.
Also in the series: The Women's Movement, Religion in the UK, the British LGBT movement, Britain's changing population.
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Politics, Reform and the impact of War
- Early British Radicals
- The Chartists
- Gladstone and Disraeli - Reform and Rivalry
- The Parliament Act of 1911
- Domestic impact of World War I
- Social, political and economic problems
- Britain and World War II
- Post War Consensus and the Welfare State
- Domestic problems under the Labour and Conservative Governments
- Margaret Thatcher
- Britain and Europe: 1945-2005.
- Britain and the Cold War
- About the Authors