The International Journal Volume 9 Number 2

Volume 9.2
International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research Volume 9, Number 2 - Autumn/Winter 2010
ISSN 1472-9466
1. Editorial Hilary Cooper and Jon Nichol. 04
2. Articles
Eleni Apostolidou 06
Oscillating Between the Recent Past and the Remote Past: The Perceptions of the Past and the Discipline
of History of Secondary School Teachers in Greece.
Anthony Blake and Gail Edwards, Douglas P. Newton, Lynn D. Newton 15
Some Student Teachers' Conceptions of Creativity in Primary School History.
Hilary Cooper 25
Contemporary English Interpretations of Traditional Russian Folk Tales.
Cherry Dodwell, University of Exeter, England 31
Citizenship, History and the Enquiring Mind: Innovations Using Drama Methodology.
Peter Hillis 36
Establishing Criteria for Instructional Multimedia Design, the Lessons from Scottish History.
Giorgos Kokkinos 51
The Controversial Past and Trauma in History Education. Approaches and Remarks.
Linda S. Levstik 63
Reinventing the Places We Inhabit: Teachers "Reading" Place-Based History.
Elizabeth Pickles 75
Valid Assessment of Students' Use of Historical Sources.
Maria Auxiliadora Moreira dos Santos Schmidt 85
Perspectives of Historical Consciousness and Learning in the Narratives of Brazilian's Young.
Yosanne Vella 94
Some General Indications on Young Children's Historical Thinking when Working with Primary Sources.
Dr. Erkan Yaman 100
Opinions of Prospective Turkish History Teachers on Globalization and History Teaching.
Erinc Erdal 107
Constructing National Identities During the Republican Period in Turkey.
Stuart Foster and Jonathan Howson 119
School History Students' "Big Pictures" of the Past.
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