Articles, Journals & Publications

Published: 5th August 2013

In this section you can find digital versions of all our articles, pamphlets and journals for teachers of history from Key Stage 3 to A Level.

The resources here will support your subject knowledge, professional development, curriculum thinking and planning. They will also help you explore the concepts, processes, range and content in the curriculum.

Teaching History is the UK's leading professional journal for secondary history teachers, up to and including sixth form colleges. If you want to be completely up-to-date with debates and practice nationally, if you want both history and pupils' learning to be at the forefront of your own Performance Management, you - and your department - need Teaching History.

You can search through back issues of Teaching History as whole editions or by article. We have also created a number of web trails to articles that will help with Key Topics, Skills & Concepts.

To help with your subject knowledge you can access our classic pamphlet series which cover a wide range of historical topics and periods.

You can also access the International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR] which was founded to provide an international medium for reporting on research and developments in History Education from the Early Years to Higher Education.

Access History, the Journal of the Historical Association. History balances its broad chronological coverage with a wide geographical spread of articles featuring contributions from social, political, cultural, economic and ecclesiastical historians. An integral part of each issue is the review section giving critical reviews of the latest scholarship.