Teaching History 113: Creating Progress
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

Creating Progress
This edition deals with creating progress: History teachers are creating progress - the idea and the reality. Why rely on others to define and design it? The creation process is every teacher's property and there is no celing on what we might help pupils achieve. JFK, Progression models, Roleplay in GCSE and beyond, Using ICT and much more...
06 JFK: the medium, the message and the myth - Dale Banham and Russell Hall (Read article)
13 A scaffold, not a cage: progression and progression models in history - Peter Lee and Dennis Shemlit (Read article)
24 Triumphs show: How to make the Elizabethan Religious Settlement sufficiently complicated for Year 8 - Matthew Bradshaw, Katie Hawks (Read article)
26 Stretching the strait jacket of assessment: use of role play and practical demonstration to enrich pupils’ experience of history at GCSE and beyond - Ian Luff (Read article)
36 Polychronicon: Interpreting the interpreters: slavery in twentieth-century America - Tony McConnell (Read article)
38 Keeping the kids on message... one school’s attempt at helping sixth form students to engage in historical debate using ICT - Denise Thompson and Nathan Cole (Read article)
44 Move Me On: trainee is struggling to get pupils really to care about what happened in the past (Read article)
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