History 344

The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 101, Issue 344

Published: 13th January 2016


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  1. A New Power in the Late Fourteenth-Century Low Countries: Philip the Bold's Planned Franco-Burgundian Invasion of England and Scottish Alliance, 1385–1386 (pages 3–19) Laura Crombie
  2. ‘Wrightsonian Incorporation’ and the Public Rhetoric of Mid-Tudor England (pages 20–41) Richard Hoyle
  3. Islam as Europe's ‘Other’ in the Long Term: Some Discontinuities (pages 42–61) Michael Wintle
  4. The Whiteway Anarchists in the Twentieth Century: A Transnational Community in the Cotswolds (pages 62–83) Antony Taylor
  5. The Limits of Anticolonialism: The British Labour Movement and the End of Empire in Guiana (pages 84–106) Spencer Mawby