Teaching History 101: History and ICT
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

History and Information Communication Technology, Using ICT in the history classroom, Extending pupils historical vision with limited resources, Using the wordprocessor to connect with knowledge and opinion through revelatory writing, Using the internet to teach about interpretation, Databases, spreadsheets and historical enquiry at Key Stage 3 and much more...
A poodle with bite: using ICT to make AS Level more rigorous - Diana Laffin (Read article)
Computers don’t bite! Your first tentative steps in using ICT in the history classroom - Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
Computing on a shoestring: extending pupils’ historical vision with limited resources - Jack Pitt
From anecdote to argument: using the word processor to connect knowledge and opinion through revelatory writing - Jayne Prior and Peter D. John (Read article)
Using the Internet to teach about interpretations in Years 9 and 12 - Reuben Moore (Read article)
Databases, spreadsheets and historical enquiry at Key Stage 3 - Robert Alfano (Read article)
Triumphs Show: Enthusing Year 8 about Oliver Cromwell - Heather Scott (Read article)
Cunning Plan: How emailing enhanced students' debating skills - Richard Harris, Diana Laffin (Read article)
Move Me On: Finding Literacy a burden (Read article)
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