Primary History 74
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

04 Editorial (Read article)
05 HA Primary News
06 Learning about the past through a study of toys and games - Helen Crawford (Read article)
08 Local history as a way of developing a sense of identity and place - Anna Husband (Read article)
14 This is no ordinary story … this is our story … Teaching the First World War in the primary school - Steven Jolly (Read article)
18 Learning Outside the Classroom – Should we? Christopher Russell (Read article)
20 Anglo Saxon Women - Karin Doull (Read article)
28 Studying the Maya: a case study in making history accessible to all pupils - Alf Wilkinson (Read article)
32 What made Cleopatra so special? Karin Doull (Read article)
38 Celebrate your sporting heritage on National Sporting Heritage Day - Justine Reilly and Brian Heywood (Read article)
43 Meet the editorial team
44 Ideas for Assemblies: Did they die in vain? Empowering pupils to understand the First World War - Bev Forrest (Read article)
46 The back cover image: Mummified cat embalmed in linen cloth - Jules Wooding (Read article)
Regular features
Primary History magazine runs a number of great regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and our Primary Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
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