Ancient Greek Government at KS2
Lesson Plan

The two linked lessons described were taught half way through a 10-week scheme of work teaching the Ancient Greeks.
The overarching key questions underpinning the ten weeks of teaching were:
- What was distinctive about the Ancient Greeks?
- Why do we learn about the Ancient Greeks, rather than about other societies?
There was also a strong citizenship strand running through the programme, with these two lessons focusing on the related issues of power, forms of government, rights and responsibilities.
The literacy elements addressed particularly discussion and debate; formulating, writing and presenting a persuasive argument; exploring word roots. These tie into the Year 6 NLS objectives. The predominant role of discussion and debate in these two lessons ensured that the children clarified and refined their understanding of important citizenship concepts.
(These resources are attached below)
Attached files:
- Ancient Greek Government Childrens Work
105.2 KB PDF document - Ancient Greek Government Resources
169.5 KB PDF document - Ancient Greek Government Teachers Notes
20.7 KB PDF document