General Interest

  • Richard Evans awarded the 2014 Medlicott Medal

    19th June 2014

    We are delighted to be presenting the Medlicott Medal for Services to History to Professor Sir Richard Evans who will be giving a talk on:Britain, Germany and the Origins of the First World WarWednesday 9 July, 6pm  - 8.30pm, The MacMillan Hall, Senate House, University of LondonBefore the main award we will...

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  • HA Annual Conference round-up 2014

    21st May 2014

    This year it was in Stratford upon Avon. Just what the home of literature needed, over 350 historians to descend on it - well that is what it got! It was a hugely successful event (if we say ourselves) with three keynote lectures and over 55 workshop sessions plus walking...

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  • The Historian Twitter Biography Competition 2014

    27th March 2014

    Some readers of The Historian will be users of Twitter and may already follow the Historical Association's Twitter feed For those who are not, Twitter is an on-line social networking and micro blogging service that enables users to send and read tweets, which are text messages limited to 140...

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  • Professor Sir Richard J Evans awarded the HA's Norton Medlicott Medal 2014

    22nd January 2014

    Professor Sir Richard J Evans awarded the Historical Association's Norton Medlicott Medal for Services to History 2014 The Historical Association is very excited to award this year's Norton Medlicott Medal for an outstanding contribution to History to an important contemporary advocate of historical research and learning. Prof Sir Richard J...

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  • Nelson Mandela

    5th December 2013

    The Historical Association shares in the global reflection at the passing of Nelson Mandela.Whilst history will remember many events and individuals for all manner of things and deeds, only a few individuals can stand above the historical record and be said to have guided it. Mandela's influence as a leader,...

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  • Flash Fiction Competition 2013 - The Winner

    1st July 2013

    The judges met on 27th June 2013 to discuss the entries they had all previously read. These entries were all very good and came from a range of periods - Tudor and Stuart England, the sixteenth, eighteenth and twentieth centuries and covered such diverse topics as smuggling, the Reformation, revolution...

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  • Professor Sir David Cannadine - Medlicott Medal awardee 2013

    19th June 2013

    On the evening of 18 June 2013 Professor Cannadine received the Medlicott medal an annual award given by the Historical Association to individuals for outstanding services and current contributions to history. Professor Cannadine is a well-known and influential historian, currently based in the UK and The USA. The Medlicott medal...

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  • HA Interview with David Cannadine 2013

    6th June 2013

    On June 18 2013 David Cannadine will formally receive the Historical Association's Medlicott Medal for Services to History. In anticipation of the evening awards event that will culminate in a lecture by Professor Cannadine, we met with the great man to reflect on his award and his career. During the...

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  • Cartoons and Mr Men - response to Michael Gove, May 2013

    12th May 2013

    On the morning of Thursday 9th May (2013) the Secretary of State for Education delivered a speech at Brighton College entitled "What does it mean to be an educated person?" In his speech Mr Gove criticises those who have opposed his department's proposals for the new National Curriculum suggesting those...

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  • The New History Curriculum 2013 - Read it here

    8th February 2013

    We have published in full the draft Purpose, Aims, Attainment and Programme of Study for History Key Stage 1 to 3. Please scroll down the page to view. A number of you have already left comments on our website and have recorded your view on our poll. Please continue to...

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