West Wiltshire Branch Programme

West Wiltshire Branch Programme 2024-25

Branch contact All enquiries to Mrs Jenny Ladd jladd242@gmail.com tel 01373 830514

Venue: All talks start at 7.30pm and take place in St. Thomas’ Church Hall, York Buildings, Trowbridge, Wilts. BA14 8PT. Free parking on the road, limited free parking next to Church.

Associate membership £15 per year. Talks free to HA members and students. Visitors £3 per visit


Thursday 17 October 2024

The Great Witch Hunt – 1450 to 1750

Martyn Whittock


Thursday 21 November 2024

Women of Bletchley Park

Bill King


Thursday 12 December 2024

Discovering Wiltshire Churches from Anglo-Saxon Romanesgue to Victorian Gothic Revival

Nick Baxter


Thursday 16 January 2025

Wiltshire Country Houses

Julian Orbach


Thursday 20 February 2025

Midsomer Norton Railways rising from the ashes

John Baxter


Thursday 20 March 2025

Stories of Winchester – Alfred the Great and much more

John Salvat


Thursday 17 April 2025

Annual General Meeting to be followed by:

The History of The Slade Art School

David Feather


Thursday 15 May 2025

Taking the Train – The Experiences of Early Travellers on the Great Western Railway

Dinah Starkey