Portsmouth Branch Programme

Venue for talks: Room 1.09 Park Building, King Henry I St, Portsmouth PO1 2BZ.
All talks start at 7pm and finish no later than 8.30pm.
Cost: Pay on arrival: £4 per lecture, or £20 for all lectures October to May. Students and HA members free. No need to book a place, just turn up.
Contact: For further information or to be added to our email distribution list please contact Kate at portsmouthhistorybranch@gmail.com
Portsmouth Branch Programme 2025
Tuesday 14th January 2025 – “Nightlife in Eighteenth-Century Hampshire”, Dr Julie Gammon and Professor Maria Hayward, University of Southampton
While the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens might epitomize the glamour and sleaze associated with eighteenth century nightlife in London, our talk takes a more local focus. Taking Southampton as our starting point, contextualized with work on Winchester and Portsmouth, we will explore what constituted ‘nightlife’ in the eighteenth century, where events such as the masquerade and dances took place, and who attended them. We will consider where the great and the good of Hampshire would have acquired the clothes they needed to appear at such events, as well as the role of clothing in less reputable evening pursuits, including visits to brothels, molly houses and gaming halls. What the people of eighteenth-century Hampshire did, where they went and what they wore once the sun went down will be investigated during this talk.
Tuesday 11th February 2025 - Dr James Thomas memorial lecture: “Looked for by the whole nation: Roger Curtis and the Great Siege of Gibraltar”, Dr Scott Daly
This talk explores the Great Siege of Gibraltar (1779-1783) through the actions of Captain Roger Curtis. The siege was a pivotal event during the American Revolutionary War. Curtis’s rescue of Spanish sailors during a grand assault launched by the Allied forces on 13th September 1782 was widely celebrated during the years that followed - despite being less well known today. The lecture looks at how the legacy of this under-appreciated event can shine a new light on the relationship between British naval culture and Gibraltar’s position within her global empire.
Tuesday 11th March 2025 – “Winning the Peace: After Edward IV's Victory in 1461”, Dr Gordon McKelvie, University of Winchester
In the early months of 1461 the 18-year-old Edward, earl of March, was thrust into the limelight, taking over the leadership of the Yorkist cause after the death of his father Richard, duke of York, at Wakefield. Within a month Edward became king, cementing his victory at the Battle of Towton, the bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil. Yet, the skills for military success are different from those for ruling. This talk explores how Edward IV sought to keep the throne he won in 1461.
Tuesday 13th May 2025 – “Crown, Cloak and Dagger”, Professor Richard J Aldrich, University of Warwick
This talk will explore the remarkable relationship between the Royal Family and the intelligence community, from the reign of Queen Victoria to the death of Princess Diana. It will show how the British secret services grew out of persistent attempts to assassinate Victoria and then operated on a private and informal basis, drawing on close personal relationships between senior spies, the aristocracy, and the monarchy. This reached its zenith after the murder of the Romanovs and the Russian revolution when, fearing a similar revolt in Britain, King George V considered using private networks to provide intelligence on the loyalty of the armed forces – and of the broader population. I will argue that in 1936, the dramatic abdication of Edward VIII formed a turning point in this relationship. What originally started as family feuding over a romantic liaison with the American divorcee Wallis Simpson, escalated into a national security crisis. Fearing the couple’s Nazi sympathies as well as domestic instability, British spies turned their attention to the King. During the Second World War, his successor, King George VI gradually restored trust between the secret world and the House of Windsor. Thereafter, Queen Elizabeth II regularly enacted her constitutional right to advise and warn, raising her eyebrow knowingly at prime ministers and spymasters alike.